Promotions and Products, Information on Shopping, Fashion and Style
The full catalog of the Centro brand, checking the price of a barcode, as well as a light search for the store closest to you in the same application.
Promotions and products
- Actual information about seasonal offers and shares of the company
- catalog of shoes and brand accessories, taking into account the availability in your city stores
- Full information about the goods
Information about stores
- Addresses and contacts of all Centro stores
- Search for the closest to you store
Fashion and style
- LOOKBOOK brand, as well as a selection of stylish images with products from Centro
- The ability to make your own Wishlist and share it with friends
The brand of fashionable youth shoes Centro was created in 2008 and immediately took a special niche in the Russian shoe market. A fundamentally new retail format - a fashionable boutique with democratic prices - immediately won the attention of a demanding and spoiled youth audience. In addition, Centro became the first Russian shoe brand operating in Fast Fashion format.
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